Truk LagoonHere is where we lived during the Truk Lagoon portion of our dive trip, April 30 - May 5. The Odyssey was indeed plush by any live aboard standards and the food excellent. Our itinerary with links to the briefing charts and photos while in the State of Chuuk: 4/30/01 - Yamigiri Maru 4/30/01 - Shinkoku Maru 5/1/01 - Fumitzuki Destroyer 5/1/01 - Hanakawa Maru 5/1/01 - Sankisan Maru 5/2/01 - Hoki Maru 5/2/01 - Pizion Reef and Shark Dive 5/2/01 - Rio De Janeiro Maru 5/3/01 - San Francisco Maru (A Team, 165' to 185') 5/3/01 - Unki Maru (B Team) 5/3/01 - Fujikawa Maru 5/4/01 - Nipo Maru 5/4/01 - Hein Maru 5/5/01 - Land Tour to Eten Island We had dive briefings prior to each dive given by our hosts
Lenny, the Captain, and his wife Cara, Co-Captain. Just to make sure we didn't get lost I brought along my Garmin GPS III+ and logged the location of our dive sites which I transferred to some maps of Chuuk. A small scale map of the area shows all the sites we visited and includes the full extent of Truk Lagoon. A large scale map was scanned from a dive chart published by North Valley Diver Publications with more detail of the area around the islands of Moen, Dublon, and Fefan. We ate well as these pictures attest,