

Day 2 - Monday

Monday's ride featured about 23 miles of the Rainbow trail. Great ride followed up by lunch in Villa Grove.  A couple of the "Two Trackers" took the easy way home while the rest of the group hammered out a few more miles of single track.

Multi-use trail sign.  An ATV really would fall off the mountain side!

Technical difficulty: 3.  Pucker factor: 6.  There were section with a pucker factor about 8 but the photographer elected to keep moving!

Craig stops to check out the view

A few more mile to go

An alter in the high meadow or foyer of a mountain shelter?

Mud, Craig, Gordon in the foyer

Fully instrumented DRZ400E but I especially liked the button on the right!

Yes, Gordon finds there is mud on the Rainbow!

and a little help from Peter and Craig.  I had to take the pictures!

At least Peter didn't do this on the really steep side cuts!

Gordon and Peter back on the trail

A welcome sign.  After 23 miles of single track we were ready for lunch

Nice views

Peter on the way over Hayden Pass

Not quite an Ansel Adams scene but close enough!  This was the easy way back that Steve and I took after lunch.

We even found some scrap iron for Mickey!