DXpedition to Chuuk and PalauQSL card via W3ASA Well it wasn't really a DXpedition as the primary objective was to "get wet", i.e. go scuba diving. Hit the "up" link to see all the pictures of Chuuk and Palau from a scuba diving perspective. I brought along my FT100D which turned out to be completely
redundant at the PPR but did enable us to operate MM from the Odyssey during our
surface intervals. We moved the radio from the Pilot house to the Bar/dining room
to get out of the way of Capt. Lenny, who graciously let us use his HF
whip. This had an auto tuner so all we needed was about 50' of RG8X and we
were QRV from the Bar! The following week we flew from Chuuk to Palau via Guam.
At the Palau Pacific Resort we had a complete Ham station The PPR is located on Ngerekebesang Island. A topographic map shows the location of PPR and T88JO's Antennae. Note that we have a great shot to the south but somewhat blocked by hills to the North and East We found all the coax for the antennas under a false floor in the closet and that evening the Yaseu equipment appeared in two custom cabinets that also served as operating tables. The antennas consisted of a Force 12, WARC rotateable dipole, vertical
Thanks to Steve Herman, K7USJ, an AP correspondent based in Japan for all his help with information on operating from Palau. Also, thanks to Dave, W3WKP, for his help in spending my money on equipment! 73's Jim & Steve