Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Overview Map
GPS data


Colorado 750 Photo Album

The pictures are organized by day with trip details in the table below (note that "ride time" is time actually moving based on the Garmin III+ trip log, not elapsed time).  Be patient if you have a dial up; 5 to 10 minutes per page.  You may want to wait and do this at work if you have higher bandwidth there.  Might as well be getting paid while you are checking out the pictures!

Click on the day  to get that page of pictures.



Ride time/Avg. speed


Sun  116 4:24/26.4 mph Salida/Buena Vista loop.  Norm Myers Route sheet
Mon 68 3:21/20.3 mph Rainbow trail to Villa Grove and return to Salida
Tues 168 5:15/31.9 mph Sargents/Pitkin/Tin Cup & rtn via Monarch to Salida
Wed 79 3:18/23.7 mph BV to Aspen for lunch.  To Crested Butte via Pearl Pass
Thur ~67 ? Crystal Canyon/Marble via Schofield Pass & rtn to CB
Fri 100+ ? CB to BV via Cement creek/Taylor/Tincup Pass


Here are some links to maps with route tracks and other GPS nerd stuff:






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